A review by katekate_reads_
Wild Life: Dispatches from a Childhood of Baboons and Button-Downs by Keena Roberts, Keena Roberts


I love reading memoirs by people who have such a different life experience. Keena Roberts grew up spending half of each year in Botswana at Baboon Camp with her primatologist parents and the other half at school in the Philadelphia suburbs.

I also grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs - so I could relate to that part - but for Keena that was always where she felt less comfortable. Navigating the social structure of 8th grade girls could be more daunting than navigating a boat through a river with crocodiles and hippos.

Reading about 120 degree days that were so hot the shampoo bottles melted or the time a hyena came through camp and ate all the soap gave me some extra appreciation for my climate controlled home. I also loved getting to experience Keena’s adventures and the way she sees the world. While I am not particularly adventurous and wouldn’t be considered outdoorsy at all - I loved getting to experience a little of that world through the pages of this book.

Thank you so much to Grand Central and Netgalley for the free copy of this book to read and review.