A review by malvord27
The Butcher's Boy by Thomas Perry


It's been years since I've read a thriller like this. I'm not even sure why I picked up this book, but it was a decent read. The author is slow to reveal some details, specifically that the mob plays a role in the story. I found the reluctance to reveal who on earth Elizabeth works for, why she's flying across the country, etc. to be a bit irritating. I didn't think it was a mystery which needed solved, so I don't understand the reluctance to reveal that.

But, the author does a good job of slowly revealing details about The Butcher's Boy. There's not a lot we need to know about him. He's a hired killer, takes jobs, and keeps quiet about it. So in that I appreciated the slow reveal.

This is not a mystery by any stretch of the imagination. There is some gratuitous references to sex and language that doesn't help move the story along much. But, the sex scene towards the end of the book is really well done. I had to read it a second time to figure out what details I missed. Note, I'm not saying it's a sexy/steamy scene, but that the author does a good job of using that scene to move forward the plot. Quite impressive.

I likely won't go back to thrillers, but I appreciated the break in my regular reading.