A review by booksabrewin
Ours by A.K. Rose


Ryth is once more in the hands of the Order but at least this time she isn't alone. This time she has Caleb or at least she thinks she does until he is ripped away from her. Faced with the potential of another harrowing experience at the hands of the Order Ryth fights tooth and nail to get free of them but it only when her father reaches out to the Order with an offer they can't refuse that she is reunited with Caleb and they are made to wait for word from her father as to their potential freedom. But what will it cost? And even if she is freed, after what she has experienced this then den of hell how can she managed to bring herself back to her brothers with anything more than a wounded spirit? Can her men bring her back to life once the Order spits her out or will the stain they left on her heart never be healed again?

This series is starting to be come so convoluted that it is taking away from how delectable the first book was. The antagonists are starting to become overwhelming to the point where the heroes and heroine never get a break. There is always someone new lurking around the corner. The Rossis. The Order. The mysterious Mr. King. Ryth's mother. Another unknown enemy. They just keep battering the characters until there is more running and shootouts than there is romance and mystery sleuthing. Every time there is a kernel of information revealed it is then shown to either be a lie or something that doesn't truly help their situation. I found myself more riddled with anxiety and confusion than enjoying the series anymore.

Between Nick feeling like their dynamic with Ryth is temporary, Caleb feeling like he will be Ryth's undoing, Tobias being so obsessed with Ryth that he will put his own health and life at risk more than necessary, and Ryth turning into more of a damsel in distress than she had originally been it just became too much. The relationship between them at the end of the book seemed shaky which would have been fine if the next book featured them but from what I understand the next book moves on to Vivienne and her situation. What? What about Ryth! That's not done! There's no conclusion there! It's just... no. Not okay.

The reason this book received the rating it did was because the first book was so absolutely stunning that I can't fathom any of the books being below at least mid-rating. But I do feel it could have been better with at least a few loose ends tied up.