A review by lilyn_g
The Hematophages by Stephen Kozeniewski


My first book experience with Stephen Kozeniewski gave me a zombie detective and aborted fetus mob boss. I was fascinated and disgusted. It was like a train wreck. I wanted to look away, but I just couldn’t. It was such a unique experience that I couldn’t decide if I actually liked it or not. As a result, I actually stayed away from Kozeniewski’s work until very recently, although I’d had ‘The Hematophages’ sitting on my Kindle for a while. But, what can I say? I’m a sucker for a book that promises disgusting sci-fi horror, so I had to eventually give it a try.

‘The Hematophages’ has elements that make it interesting even without considering the horror element. Like the fact that a conspicuous part of the human race is completely absent from the novel. There’s no explanation for it, and I was so intensely curious that I actually ended up corresponding with the author about it. (Not that I’m going to tell you what he said.)

About the horror element though – Kozeniewski delivered in spades. This is a sci-fi horror novel that will leave you shuddering. You are engrossed in the story before a single scary thing happens. So when stuff does start happening, it takes you by surprise. And it’s done in such a way that you’re left blinking and wanting desperately to scrub the image from your mind. But you can’t (and you probably never will.)

The pacing, the dialogue, the characters – everything about ‘The Hematophages’ is sound. For a novel featuring a main cast of female characters, the author doesn’t write just tits with no wit. Instead he writes actual characters (including one that I think may possibly be a psychopath.) He even nails the ending – which is amazing considering I thought he was walking me in to a “yep, totally expected this”. Instead, he ends the book with one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve ever read. And he writes in such a way you can’t NOT see it. So enjoy reading this book and having that image haunt you for weeks.