A review by just_fighting_censorship
The Batman Adventures: The Lost Years by Hilary J. Bader, Bo Hampton



So here's the thing, nine times out of ten I hate origin stories especially when they are ridiculous and/or forced. There are a few origin stories that are essential for understanding a character like Superman or Captain American, these origin stories define the characters. However, for the most part I would argue that the origin story is irrelevant especially since the next writer to take over the character might throw out everything you know and start from scratch (see Wolverine, so many conflicting origins!) Often the origins are lame- Oliver Queen was just rich and bored, Batman was rich and depressed, Barry Allen walked past a cabinet of chemicals that were struck by lighting...

Listen, I don't care how they became giant turtles or why they were raised in a sewer by a giant rat, they just are and it is awesome, slap some green ooze on there and call it a story.

This book attempts to create a Nightwing origin and it is even more unnecessary than that stupid secret subway lab in Amazing Spider-man 2.

We don't need some convoluted origin involving South American tribes and flying monks. I don't need to see the items along the way that helped Dick come up with his new outfit. I understand not wanting to get into the whole Superman being the original Nightwing to fight crime in the tiny city of Kandor, because yes it is weird and has little to do with Dick taking on the moniker, but come on, this story is a derivative piece of crap. Everything leading up to Dick's year abroad with him being all emo was fine but listen, here is all you had to do, Dick outgrows being the boy wonder and decides to head out on his own, the end. But...but how do you explain the costume and name change? Um He thinks Nightwing has a good ring to it and has been doodling costume ideas for years, who hasn't.

Aside from the annoying, unneeded, and very boring origin story there are a number of other details that drag this story down. Dick is apparently in the middle of nowhere when he runs into a huge crime operation, who is running it? Two-face, really? What were the chances of that? Oh and of course the best way to show character development is by watching a rat tail slowly become a mullet. Yes, Nightwing is draw with an uncomfortably long hairstyle but surely we can be spared the in-between rat tail.

When the story stayed in Gotham with Babs and Batman it was great. We are introduced to Tim Drake and it is fun to see a new dynamic but then we are dragged back to Dick and the origin that will not end! Ugh, just so unnecessary. Not a must-read, even for those who love the Animated series.

Too recap...
Nightwing is great

This story is not.