A review by writerrhiannon
People Like Her by Ellery Lloyd


I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Picture this: a blindingly white kitchen; an impeccably groomed, athleisure-clad, 20-something mom; a cute-as-a-button toddler in a tiara and tutu; and a photogenic baby accidentally/on purpose spilling a cup of juice. The caption reads "Crazy Mondays"

This isn't a scene from People Like Her, but it could be. These picture perfect moms are prevalent on Instagram, with claims that their life is sooooo messy (ha ha, wink wink) while they simultaneously seduce followers with overly curated photos and humble brag captions. As a 43-year-old mom who has been in the real trenches of parenthood, I can roll my eyes and scroll past thinking "to each their own" but I sometimes worry about the moms out there that think they aren't "good" moms because their life doesn't look like that. You might consider yourself smart enough to see behind the facade of a "celebrity" account, but there are many who do not. This can lead to devastating results, as readers of People Like Her will learn.

Husband and wife author duo Ellery Lloyd have crafted a debut novel masterpiece that takes readers behind the camera of an influencer account, peeling back the layers of modern society's love/hate relationship with social media. Narrated by "instamum" Emmy Jackson, her husband Dan, and a mysterious third person, People Like Her features a stellar cast of "unlikeable" characters that will have readers turning each page in jaw-gaping anticipation. Unlike the fluffy, curated BS that tends to dominate IG, Ellery Loyd is not afraid to go dark and shocking--admirable characteristics in the otherwise basic and predictable world of contemporary thrillers. I bit my tongue with telling anyone I was liking this book until I was totally finished because so many current releases have terrible "twists" at the end that make any respect I had for the story fly right out the window. This was not the case with People Like Her! I was beyond impressed with this novel and have been recommending it to everyone. Pre-order, add it to your TBR, do whatever you have to do to get this book in front of your eyeballs ASAP!

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