A review by simoneandherbooks
War Girls by Tochi Onyebuchi


In many ways, this book read more like a military fantasy than it did a science fiction novel. I mean, it's definitely science fiction. The detailed descriptions of their mechs, the technology called "Accents" built into their brains, and even going up to space were definitely signs of a well-built hard science fiction novel. But something about Tochi Onyebuchi's writing that makes this feel so much more than that. Perhaps it's because of his keen ability to get into the souls of these characters and bring together a world built on real life situations. Set in the future, but inspired directly by the Nigerian/Biafrin Civil War as well as other components like child soldiers, Tochi Onyebuchi really captivated me with this story.

I love this so much and I think it's because of how the story progresses. It starts off with these two young people, Ify and Onyii. In the beginning they're both on the same side of a pretty gruesome war. But when an explosion puts one of the girls on the other side, you get this really interesting glimpse as to how both sides of a war think and act. I really loved this aspect especially since there's always the good vs. evil dichotomy in fantasy and science fiction novels. But when both sides have a perspective, you get a much deeper idea of how complicated and frustrating war really can be for either party.

Ify and Onyii are also still very young and impressionable, so you can see how this dichotomy affects their decision making. I love that you see their growth as the book moves and it reminded me a lot the kinds of decisions a young person has to make that may affect everyone around them. And how the decision they make will affect not only them, but their friends and their community. As the book draws closer to them finally meeting each other again, you can see how their decisions play out and how the people they learned to trust may not be the people they should trust. It made the story so complex especially while they're fighting a war. You want them to be on the good side, but how can you tell that? Do you follow the people who say this is good or do you make the judgment yourself? Just something that I thought about.

The action in this book was so good! I loved the usage of mechs because I feel like I only see them in Japanese anime or the Transformers movies (lol). Even though I enjoyed seeing them used in the book, there's definitely that menacing feeling that giant mechanical robots can only bring. It brings a real sense to how dark this war is. And to speak to that, there was so much darkness in the story as well. Everything from the child soldiers to the quick judgments on who are traitors to the lack of resources to the climate change to betrayal and loyalties to the young android-esque child suicide bombers to the pain and suffering and loss of everyone you knew just brought out the real sadness and horrors of war. If the real Nigerian/Biafran Civil War was similar to what Tochi Onyebuchi writes in this novel, then all I can say is that it sounded so devastating. War is cruel and it's definitely prevalent here.

I think the only thing I wasn't a fan of was the slow burning middle parts. I think that they definitely added to the story, but this wasn't action packed from beginning to end. There was definitely some political and military intrigue that needed to happen, but it was a little too dry for me.

Overall, super intriguing story that really got my attention and I can't wait for Rebel Sisters to be out! I've already got my e-arc of it and will definitely be reading it in the upcoming months!