A review by velociranga
The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes by Unknown


I slowly worked my way through the historic Norse poems here, finishing my little adventure into this ancient culture (after reading [b:The Prose Edda|24658|The Prose Edda|Snorri Sturluson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1411896509l/24658._SY75_.jpg|1198450] earlier in the year). It was such an interesting insight into the culture of the time, the storytelling traditions it established, and the many, many modern works it has inspired/provided materials for/been copied by (especially Lord of the Rings and the Ring cycle).

I think I generally preferred the Prose Edda more, as it told longer and more detailed tales. I felt like I got more information and perspective on the world, compared to these shorter tales. The Prose Edda I read also showed more of the "kennings", word-play titles that require unpacking metaphors and historical/literary references. I really enjoyed hearing about the layers of references that built these, but the translation of the Poetic Edda I read (by Jackson Crawford) gave only the final product. This made reading the poems easier and gave the meanings clearly, but did remove some of the linguistic and literary fun I had with the Prose Edda.

But overall, I loved reading these! Another review here mentioned how often people look up references to classic texts via other summaries or analysis, when the original text is more direct and interesting. Especially when these translations are so clear, and the stories so interesting still. It makes me want to return to these in the future when those situations arise, journeying back into the past to rediscover these epic tales.