A review by paigedc
Gone by Lisa McMann


"No choice is best."

I finished the Wake trilogy, and they were all very... Decent. I definitely was entertained by them and wanted to finish the whole story, but it was definitely very basic literature, even for YA. Just like I observed in the 2nd book, there are no surprises, no big twists or shocking reveals, as everything can pretty much be channeled by a common reader.

In the final installment, Janie struggles with her future. If she decides to remain a dream catcher, she risks many physical consequences that may impede her happiness with Cabel. Or she can choose a life of isolation that will result in her own personal unhappiness. It's a true Catch-22. Her heretofore unknown father returns in a medical dilemma, enabling her to get to know him in a limited way, which lets her see what one path of her life could be like and make a more informed choice.

It's fairly predictable, but it's also a very quick read, so you're able to finish it and find out the ending fast enough.

This might be good for teenagers (warning for some language and some mild sexual content), or if you just really like YA books.