A review by geekwayne
The Ghost, the Owl by Franco


'The Ghost, The Owl' by Franco with art by Sara Richard is a gorgeous swirling graphic novel of a most unusual friendship.

One cool evening in the swamp, a wispy figure appears. It is the ghost of a young girl. While humans can't see her, the owl and the other animals can. Owl knows she can't rest until she finds peace, even if she doesn't know it, so owl enlists his friends to help out. What they find is a house in shambles, and a very angry man. Could this be where the ghost lived or could it be a further mystery?

The story is really good. It's completely elevated by the art. There are no panels or borders and the story just flows. The color choices reminded me of foggy days in the woods. The story is minimal, but I really liked these characters. It's an appropriate story for younger readers, but just be warned that there is some violence that is appropriate for the story.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Action Lab Entertainment, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.