A review by thewomancalledsun
Ariadne by Jennifer Saint


I'm not very sure where to even begin with my review of this book.

So I suppose I'll begin by saying that this book was completely different from all my expectations for it. Where I was expecting a YA contemporary style retelling I instead got a literary fiction, in the best way possible. Despite the amount of greek mythology I have read, I wasn't very familiar with Ariadne. So reading the book was that much more impactful for me.

The story of Ariadne & in a lot of ways her sister was one of heartbreak, perseverance, frustration, and triumph.
The author does an incredible job of making you feel the frustrations of the characters. The frustration I and probably many women feel in mythology and in real life when history and the men in it attempt to shrink us down to minor antidotes in a man's story.

Though despite the obvious heartbreak & frustration present in Ariadne's and her sisters story, there is also triumph. Triumph from the fact that they finally get to tell their own stories on their own terms. That in this small but meaningful way they finally get the agency they deserved in the first
place. The ending of book was so unexpectedly poignant and impactful in a quiet sort of way that it will definitely stay with me for some time.

Jennifer Saint is definitely a phenomenal author and one to look out for. The way she was able to write Ariadne's story in such a unique and meaningful way is truly impressive and I am definitely looking forward to reading more of her work.

* I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion