A review by erikars
Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art by Steve McConnell


Estimation is difficult in software and everywhere else. In this book, McConnell provides the reader with tools to improve their estimation skills. There are no silver bullets -- most of these techniques take work and practice -- but by breaking down the process of estimation McConnell takes it from a black art to something understandable.

The first part of the book covers fundamental concepts in estimation. The heart of the book is part two which discusses many different estimation techniques, pros and cons of each, and times when a particular technique may be applicable. The final part of the book has further discussion of some other issues in estimating.

Although this book is specific to software, the core insights it contains are also useful outside of software. My husband and I are building a house, and as I read this I found myself thinking "if our builder had used some of these techniques, we might have had a more accurate budget and schedule".

This book has made it onto my short list of "must read" books for developers, especially those with no previous exposure to formal discussions of estimation.