A review by jjwalkerwrites
Daphne by Josh Malerman

“Are all dreams just sitting there, ready for me? Are my dreams waiting for me to stop being so afraid?”

I really enjoyed this one. A story from Josh Malerman about Daphne, a tall, denim wearing local legend that’s long haunted the small town of Samhattan. Thing is, she’ll only get you if you’re thinking about her.

It’s fast, frantic, and the idea of needing to stop thinking about something, knowing that will only make it worse, is a great backdrop for terror. I’m also pretty sure this is the closest a book has come to giving me a ‘jump scare’.

While this has all the fun of a summer slasher, it’s more than that. At its heart, Daphne is about anxiety. How it creeps up on you, how it consumes you, and the courage it takes to overcome how awful it can make you feel.