A review by maxarcreads
Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer


For a debut novel based off a tik tok story this was really well done. I really enjoyed it. This is a villain story if the title didn't give it away and there is mention of his evil deeds and the aftermath is shown but there are no true torture scenes. I was able to get my hands on a copy as Barns and Noble said the publisher was allowing them to put it out before the release date. I will say some parts feel a little disjointed in my opinion that the writing didn't connect to the next scene, but it was very small, and I am sure that will be ironed out as she writes more. There is a small reoccurring mention of a pass attempted assault so keep that in mind. I really did enjoy the characters especially the villain as he struggles with these feelings, he doesn't know how to identify because he hasn't really felt them before. Very much a grumpy/sunshine book which has some cute and funny moments. Not a lot a triggers outside of what I mentioned. I would say this is a slow burn as well with a cliff hanger that does make me excited to read the next book. I will also say without spoiling it that the "traitor" in the story actually surprised me and was not who I thought it was.