A review by sofialexandra
The Fake Out by Stephanie Archer


the book hangover that i have right now is not even funny like

the way i miss these characters already and this series is sickening. stephanie archer is one of my favourite authors and she reminded me why with this series yet again. like WHY AM I FEELING EMPTY INSIDE OVER A SILLY LITTLE HOCKEY ROMCOM SERIES???

stephanie said that hazel and rory are her favourite characters to date and it makes so much sense cause you could TELL the amount of love she put into these characters. hazel and rory felt and ARE very much real #tome. i love them to bits. this book spoke to me personally a LOT and i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.

rory and hazel were just…everything! they LITERALLY felt like real people. the way rory would said or do something and i’d laugh and be like “ofc you’d say that” AS IF THIS IS A REAL MAN?… like literally just the most real, endearing, comforting characters. their struggles and the way they were portrayed felt so real and were dealt with so well and were so well-incorporated into the story and…i’m just empty honestly.
rory and hazel are one of my favourites couples of all-time and i love them to death. if he doesn’t speak or think of you the way rory speaks and thinks of hazel DROP HIM!!! just another obsessed man that had me BY THE THROAT and i need him so bad

stephanie simply creates the most comforting worlds and characters and i need to live in all of her series forever. i need her to write my bf into real life