A review by troystory
Family Don't End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives by Lynn S. Zubernis


As a bit of backstory, I bought this book three years ago, and I've only just gotten around to it now. I know, I know, TBR lists drag on and on... But I've been making a conscious effort lately to get through it! Recently, I started rewatching Supernatural. Ever since I first saw it, it's held a special and important place in my heart, but only this year have I been able to watch it again. And I remembered just how much I love this show, how much it means to me, how much the characters have helped me. So, I figured it was about time to read this book.

There is so much power in fiction, in stories and characters and worlds, and I think that's something I've known for a long time. I have always been a fangirl, even when I didn't know what that term meant. I have always felt a strong connection with characters across different fandoms. It's nice to read essays from people who have felt just as empowered and changed by fiction as I have.

Even if you aren't a fan of Supernatural, I think this is a must-read. It really puts the power of fiction into perspective and makes it clear just how much things like television shows can help people. To be completely honest, I was on the verge of tears the entire time I was reading this. It's touching in ways I can't describe. (Not to mention, the essays manage to put into words things I have been feeling but didn't know how to explain.)

As with most great things in my life, I found Supernatural by chance. I didn't originally think I'd like it, because I'm not a fan of horror. But I am so, so grateful for this show, for the characters, for the fans and actors, and for the way it has helped shape who I am. There is no better way to end this terrible year than by rediscovering my passion for Supernatural.