A review by petra_reviews_mm
The Enchanter's Flame by Michele Notaro


That's it. Michele Notaro is one of my most favorite authors after this. I've already started reading her Magi Accounts series and loooooved it. Then I read the short story from [b:Fated Mates: an MM Paranormal Romance Charity Anthology|145526088|Fated Mates an MM Paranormal Romance Charity Anthology|Kiki Clark|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1682996789l/145526088._SY75_.jpg|160859376] and loved it so so much that I decided to delve into the Ellwood Chronicles universe. And wow. I finished the book in like 6 hours.

I just love the way this author creates an amazing paranormal world with romance that is not simply as a background, or something secondary. No. The romance is slow but interwoven throughout the whole book. And I loved it to bits.

Ailin was such an interesting character. Yes, he often omits information, or does some things without Seb's consent (never sexually). But I loved his protectiveness and care he had for Seb. Seb was such a strong character. If I went through what he did, I'd just curl into a ball and want to die, because the ending was just gut wrenching. And the ending overall? Amazing. I cannot wait for the rest of the series.