A review by therivingtonreader
The Church Beneath the Roots by Felix Blackwell


I had such a hard time deciding what to rate this book. I kept going back and forth between 4 stars and 5 stars, but ultimately I decided on 4 stars since Stolen Tongues was such a no-brainer 5 star for me.

Was this a good book?

Would I recommend it?

Was it everything I wanted out of a prequel to one of my favorite books of all time?
Kind of??

It’s no question that Felix Blackwell knows how to write horror. He’s single-handedly given me nightmares from two books now, which I can’t say about any other author. There’s just something about the way he conjures up scary scenes that give me goosebumps and make me afraid to sleep with the lights off. 

I did love The Church Beneath the Roots, but it was a much slower burn than Stolen Tongues. Not to say it wasn’t worth it, but it took 200 pages before I really got spooked. And it really did scare the shit out of me when I got there. After page 214, I had to shut my book for a minute and take a break.

If I could go back, I would have preferred to read the prequel first. In my opinion, that seems like the better way to read the two books and definitely how I will recommend it to people. The Church Between the Roots gives a lot of background detail and information that we don’t get in Stolen Tongues, and I think reading the prequel first would give readers a better appreciation for what happens in the next book.