A review by chemicalpoisons
Last Flight by Liane Merciel


Thank God for the ending. That's all I have to say.

The story itself was really interesting, as it is always nice to get a glimpse into events that have been repeatedly narrated in the game, or in the Codex of it. Especially if those events are a part of a disastrous Fourth Blight that nearly brought north-eastern Thedas to the brink of annihilation. And as I said, I was really satisfied with the ending.

Alas, I had a major issue, and that issue was with the characters. Apart from the ones in the present, like Valya or Reimas, the heroes of the Fourth Blight were downright insufferable. Most of all, Isseya. I really couldn't care less about her, and unfortunately, as the story was told from her own point of view, she made me distaste the rest of the cast, even though I had originally liked Garahel and Calien. I know it is a Blight, I am aware that things were very bleak in the best of circumstance, but Isseya's nagging, depressing and infuriatingly pessimistic nature made me sigh every time I opened the book. The book might have been much more alluring if it was told from the view of her griffon, in my opinion.

I hope the rest of the series is not like this. 3 stars for the story, the ending and the wonderful griffons.