A review by hawaiirican808
Play with me A splatterpunk dark romance by Emily Klepp


 First: I have loved every single book by Emily that I got to read. She does tend to be a more "dark" author, so if you don't read dark romance and can't stand triggers, she is not the author for you.

"Play With Me" has a LONG grocery list of triggers, so go to her site and make sure you understand what you're getting yourself into. This one WAS DARKKKKK. The trauma alone even I had to take a moment to collect my thoughts. Emily has a true gift when it comes to writing her stories with darker themes with the right amount of angst and trauma to have you contemplating getting therapy. Yet, I still go back for more. What can I say? Her books can screw your emotions all over the place and you will go back and say "yes, can I have more please"? This was my first splatterpunk read and it was really good! Em wrote a really enticing storyline, filled with trauma, tragedy and revenge. It was a page-turner and really made the perfect fast-paced read! I loved the crap out of Nash! Can't wait to see what she writes next!