A review by secondhandshelves
I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam


I thoroughly enjoyed Laura Vanderkam's book. She spends time teaching her readers to reframe their thinking from a 24 hour day to a 168 hour week. Her book is well researched, sprinkling time logs from some of the various women she interviewed throughout her process.

She has received criticism for a "narrow" definition of success-- women earning over $100,000 with at least one child under the age of 18, but for me this definition was refreshing. As someone striving to become a physician AND have a family I am hit from many angles with the idea that it is impossible to have a career, a family, and time for one's own passions. This book indicates that that's simply not true.

I don't think that this book would need to be read in its entirety to be beneficial. I will be referring back to Chapter 3: Take Charge of Your Time & Chapter 9: Master the Tiles for easy practical advice when I start to feel like I am not making the most of my time again.

Since reading, I've embarked on recording my own time log to see exactly where my time goes. I'd recommend reading this to those who are interested in time management and productivity and seizing the most from their life.