A review by the_novel_approach
Snowman of My Dreams by Rob Matthews


If I had any clue that I would enjoy Snowman of My Dreams as much as I did, I would have saved it for the holiday for which it was written. I’m never going to listen to Frosty the Snowman quite the same way again without thinking of Cole.

As the blurb states, Wyatt and Oliver have hit a major bump in their marriage after an unfortunate situation occurred. Oliver screwed up on what should have been the happiest moment of their lives, and now believes his husband hates him for it. Wyatt comes off as a bit of an a-hole and is angry at himself as well as his husband for not noticing a problem that he didn’t do anything about before the problem became an issue. He’s usually abrupt with his spouse, and is too busy with his charitable cause to open the lines of communication, which both men need so desperately.

With the help of an elf, a little bit of Christmas magic, and a trace of the love they once felt for each other, Cole, a snowman that Wyatt and Oliver build together, comes to life. Of course, not in front of them, but as Wyatt is expecting help with getting his annual charity drive together, Cole shows up at the right moment to be mistaken for the someone that Wyatt needs desperately to help set up for the event.

Now, Cole already comes with a built-in personality that is sweet, smart, and innocent. He sees life through rose-colored glasses, and with every problem there is a simple solution. Cole just can’t understand why these two men have lost their way. It’s obvious to him that they still love one another, so as he spends time with them, he manages to get them to talk to him individually. Both have stories to tell as to the why, but neither one of them has figured out quite how to bridge the gap that would bring them closer again. When they do figure it out, though, it was cute how they both plotted for Cole’s attention.

There’s a surprise that I wasn’t expecting, a condition that Cole must meet on Christmas day, and a twist on how things work out between these three men. Like I said, I really enjoyed Snowman of My Dreams, mainly because I liked how it played out and I would have loved to have read this during the holidays, though I’m taking off a point for where I felt the story could have been better fleshed out to make it a more solid read.

Reviewed by Kim for The Novel Approach Reviews