A review by clarereadstheworld
The Misfortunates by Dimitri Verhulst


 This book is not a happy book.
Set in a poor neighbourhood in Belgium this book follows the childhood of Dimmy, living with his alcoholic Dad and uncles, and his poor grandmother who has given up trying to save her sons. As Dimmy is in his early teens, he likes he has a great life. He finds his drunken relatives antics hilarious, loves it when they take him to the pub with them, and has no issues only eating greasy food and sleeping all day. .
This book does not shy away from the ugly details of living with alcoholism. While Dimmy may find it hilarious, the reader grows increasingly uncomfortable with the goings on and worried for the welfare of Dimmy who clearly has no one looking out for his best interests.
Spolier Alert ! Dimmy finally gets taken into care, gets his life together, and years later comes back to visit his Dad and uncles. For them nothing has changed, they are still drinking in the same pubs night after night, and the enormous gap between their lives and Dimmy's is uncomfortably obvious to everyone.
The Misfortunates is not an easy read, but a beautifully accurate portrayal of growing up in difficult circumstances, and the survivors guilt often felt by those who do manage to get out and improve their lives. Moving, and thought-provoking. And definitely not what I was expecting from Belgium! .