A review by thejourneyofmybooks405
The Man I Never Met: A Memoir by Adam Schefter, Michael Rosenberg


I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a review.

Prior to this book, my introduction to Adam Schefter was through his reporting on ESPN, often breaking the news of the biggest basketball and football stories. Just glancing at the title of this book, I concocted the idea that this story was about Schefter and his possibly estranged father. Within the first few chapters, I learned that definitely was not the case: Adam's father was very present in his life. The man Schefter never met was Joe Maio, who had died in the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 leaving behind his wife, Sharri and a 27 month year old.

This seems like it would depressing material, but this was an uplifting, inspiring read. The writing is definitely that of a seasoned journalist - Schefter writes an emotional, detailed, but concise narrative that was extremely well documented (thanks to his daily journaling habits).

The book is not truly a memoir in the sense that Schefter doesn't dive into his life history or a story about 9/11, but it is more of a tribute to Joe, who was loved by many, including Sharri, Schefter's future wife, and about moving forward with life after tragedy.