A review by zare_i
All You Need Is Kill 2 by Yoshitoshi Abe, Hiroshi Sakurazaka, Takeshi Obata, Ryōsuke Takeuchi


Second volume gives us origin story of Rita. I liked how her name is never revealed, she is only known as Rita, name she took while living as a refugee after Mimic attack destroyed her town. Name under which she joined the army and started fighting the Mimics.

Rita soon finds herself in the time loop and decides to make the best of the situation - repeating the loop and advancing as much as possible in her fight against the Mimics. Loop makes her a living legend.

Keiji will finally seek her as an ultimate master to learn from. And what he learns will shock him - time loop that keeps him repeating the same day over and over again is actually Mimic's weapon that allows them to win through constant repetition in case they encounter stubborn opposition. Rita's experience helps identify the Mimic that causes the temporal disturbance - very soon Keiji and Rita concentrate on finding and destroying this unit - in lack of better expression - so that Mimic offensive can be stopped.

Of course this type of fighting takes its toll - both Rita and Keiji will soon find out that the only way they can live is through warfare. There is no back to past life after never-ending resurrection cycles.

And when the story ends (wont ruin this for you) Keiji needs to carry on the torch - war with Mimics is not won, it is only that the offensive is stopped at least for a while, humanities only hope are warriors that can use time loop so they become more effective against the aliens.

Art is as it was in vol 1 - very good. Again, lankiness of the characters is somewhat funny to me but OK, it is author's style. As for the women presentation I truly liked some of the reviews :) this is manga and women are always shown as voluptuous (see relatively realistic Crying Freeman art, Golgo 13, Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed and Battle Angel Alita, not to mention plethora of soap opera and romance manga) as much men are presented as strong, athletic types (although rather lanky in some cases). This is comic, entertainment and (same as thrillers in books, TV and movies) goal is to entertain not teach people. As I said in few other places if people look to learn something from comics..... how to say it.... then they are definitely looking at wrong place (even some of the educational channels like Discovery are trash these days and they are considered legit educational materiel).

Highly recommended to all fans of SF action adventure stories.