A review by toastx2
Frost Moon by Anthony Francis


Magical tattoos, christian vampires, were-creatures, and men in black. magicians, lesbians, men in dog suits, blood, gore, blind witches, karate and unanswered questions.

when i first got this as an e-book advance release from the publisher, i dipped into it and was not impressed. a month later i came back to it ans had a completely different reaction.

second chance was much better. the characters became tangible and the story more fluid.

it is a single serving book, awesome and definitely one i would refer others too, but i would never read it again. this is not a slight against the book as it is directly in line with a lot of books i read. i can state that i am anxious to read the next book in the series as it is released.

The plot of the skindancer trilogy revolves around dakota frost, estranged daughter of a police officer. she works in a tattoo parlor and inks 3 dimensional mana infused tats on people. dragons that squirm and writhe, butterflies that can leave the body and flit about a room.

a friend of her father brings her into the police station one morning and requests her assistance on a case. he has the lid of a wooden box covered with human skin inked with magical imagery. he also has a string of murders unanswered for.

Dakota traverses the dark underground of an alternate atlanta georgia, putting her fist in the personal space of a number of people. her wit is quick and sharp.

the cast of characters was interesting and varied, the text was interesting, and story fast paced. the only real drawback was that there wasnt much substance to the book. it was like watching an action film. you get a kick, you are on the edge of your seat to see what happens, but in the end, it is not much more than genre-candy.

i can see the trilogy gaining more substance as it progresses, but the author will be walking a very fine line if he can manage it. even if it stays candy, i like candy, so who cares. fast efficient and enjoyable fiction is always welcome in my home.

Worth reading, but don't analyze it, just enjoy it.

xpost RawBlurb.com