A review by nenya_kanadka
Long Red Hair by Meags Fitzgerald


This was okay, though it didn't rock my world. I think I expected the narrator to be, herself, a redhead, rather than being into redheaded women. (She does dye her hair at various points, which worked, but I'd incorrectly assumed she had hair like me all along based on the title.

The parts of the story about her figuring out she was into women, and her relationship with her parents, worked for me a lot more than the magic and witches, which aren't an experience I share. The plot was less a plot and more tiny snippets of a life, which is fine, but I would probably enjoy spending longer with the characters at each point in her life. And the art didn't work for me at ALL.

Glad the book exists, am probably not the target audience, despite being a bisexual woman who came of age in the nineties and who has long red hair. :P