A review by kyliieamberr
The Universe Is Expanding and So Am I by Carolyn Mackler


** I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bloomsbury USA Children in exchange for my honest review**

“But you gave me two eyes.” I say gesturing at his drawing. He looks up for a second. “You’re two pretty to have one.”

I rated this book at 5/5 stars because it shows so many different aspects that should be shown more in novels today. Such as an overweight character and an LGBTQ Character. This novel is sending out a lot of messages that are really needed to be seen especially by teens these days, Love is Love is Love. I would recommend for everybody to pick this up because it helps you realize you aren’t alone in feeling like an outcast or feeling unwanted for whatever reason. The main character opens you up to understand how to make the best of a crappy situation and turn it into something you can grow from.