A review by katieejayne
This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada


I truly wish this wasn't the final book in the series, simply because it was so perfectly constructed. I'm rarely fully satisfied when a book has such an open ending but I loved how This Vicious Cure ended. Considering how apocalyptic/dystopian this series was just the slight suggestion of a future, of hope for each surviving character seemed perfect. Across the series each character had been so well developed that you didn't need explicitly telling how they were going to explore their newfound freedom, you just knew the character so well.

How the world's technology was first created was so interesting and shocking to learn about. It made sense but still, what a reveal! Each book in the series has been full of twists and turns but none more so than this. I read it so quickly because I was needing to turn the page to see what was going to happen next.

My concerns about how This Cruel Design ended was based around Cat's character, how she was going to really play a part in the final book. Again, tech provided a solution and a clever one at that. Cat has always been such a layered, for those who have read the books you understand my slight pun, character. I'm thrilled by how her story was both truly revealed and wrapped up.

It's always somewhat difficult to review a finale of a series or even just the next book in a series for fear of spoiling anything. I adored this series and will automatically purchase anything that Emily Suvada writes in the future. A phenomenal series that needs a TV series.

Like yesterday.
