A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Screwed by K.M. Neuhold


Like practically EVERYONE else who is a fan of the Four Bears Construction series I have been seriously looking forward to Ollie finally having his much deserved HEA. That man is an ooey gooey cinnamon roll of a human and he makes me want to wrap him in bubble wrap and protect him forever. Fortunately Ollie isn't in need of another protector because Daniel has taken up that mantel himself.

It was actually kind of funny watching the two of these men fall in love all for the sake of winning a bet. They spent 8 months cohabiting. The first few were spent as "friends" getting to know one another on a personal basis and taking turns cooking dinner. During this time the UST was almost palpable until it became too much and the two of them exploded the sheets together. Now their living arrangement including spending time together AND sex. Are you seeing the picture here yet or are you as slow on the uptake as Daniel about how this whole thing seems like a perfectly healthy and normal way to begin a serious relationship?

"But this messy, chaotic, confusing thing the two of us have going on? It sure feels a hell of a lot like falling in love. And he was definitely right that I’m incapable of keeping sex and emotions separate. But what I am entirely capable of is never letting him know just how right he was about both of those things."

While Daniel is happier than he's ever been living with Ollie while he supports him going back to school, he is also obliviously unaware of how their dynamics appear. " Ignorance is bliss" is a saying for a reason. All the while Ollie spends his time struggling to remind himself that none of this is real and to keep his own emotions in check. We all know Ollie after the last 3 books, so of course the man fails and finds himself head over heels for Daniel. It broke my heart that he knew the end was coming, he knew his heart was going to shatter, yet he tried his hardest to enjoy the taste of pure happiness while he could.

" I reach over and run my fingers down his spine, memorizing the smoothness of his skin and storing that away with all the other things I don’t want to forget when this is over."

Daniel took quite a bit longer to figure out that the feelings he has been having are the big fat L word. It takes Ren basically having to point it out to him for him to even consider the possibility and even then he's skeptical. Daniel has a long line of failed dating attempts and after some self contemplation it turns out Ren is right. He dates these losers on purpose, if only subconsciously, because there is no risk to his heart involved. Ollie isn't anything like the assholes he's dated. In fact he's the exact opposite. Every time Ollie does anything remotely sweet for him he acts with genuine surprise because he's never had that before. It's no wonder his heart responded this time when it hasn't any to any other.

"Of all the things he could have wished for, anything in the entire world, he wished for me?"

I was so happy when these two finally had everything they were feeling out in the open. The ending was perfect. It was made even better because it was Daniel for the win with the grand gesture of all gestures. Ollie deserved that. He deserved everything and more and so did Daniel. These two just fit together and their epilogue 5 years down the line was even more proof of that.

4.75 stars