A review by mbeuley
January First: A Child's Descent into Madness and Her Father's Struggle to Save Her by Michael Schofield


This author made his agenda against medical institutions, and his wife, all too clear. He and his wife are so self-centered that it takes them half the book to stop and think that mental disorder can be a result of the child's environment, despite the fact that two or three different hospitals/doctors tell them this. This book only focuses on the complaints the father has about his stresses. He whines and moans about the doctors and the prescribed treatments, but whenever his wife speaks out about these issues, he's embarrassed and says it's unacceptable. There is clearly something wrong with him. If you want to read a book about dysfunctional marriage, this is the book for you. If you care at all about the effects mental illness may have on a child, this book doesn't really hone in on that topic at all whatsoever, so I recommend choosing something else!