A review by webz
Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 1 by Kiiro Yumi


So this is the first manga book I've ever really read.
Did I think I would like it?
This is coming from the girl who thinks books with 500+ pages is the perfect amount.
Not too big, not too small.
Well, that's true as long as the book is good.

So at first I had a bit of difficulty reading everything from right to left, but I caught on fast.
And actually started enjoying the story.
My first thought about the book when I read the back was how stupid the idea sounded.
"Library wars"
Oh come on, doesn't that sound a little...hm...what's the word...
Yes, that's it.
But as I progressed through the book, I found myself rethinking that.
It was really good!
I really felt like although this is like, not a novel per say (*rolls eyes a bit*) the plot was actually pretty good!
And I felt like the characters were distinct (despite their perfect faces, but that's just how manga characters are drawn. As far as I know.... O.o Oh! Except when the main character had pimples XD That was different), had their own unique personalities.
I especially enjoy Dojo.
He's hard to read...but cares at the same time.
So...that's my take on this.
