A review by elvang
The Art of Us by K.L. Hughes


“I want to do it right, because loving her is the purest thing I’ve ever done. It’s the purest thing I’ve ever had.”

Soul Mates. The Art of Us takes the concept of soul mates to a whole new level. I don’t think I’ve ever read an angst-filled read quite like this book.

Five years after Alex left for the coast and they drifted apart, Charlee cannot sleep at night but spends all her time painting beautiful memories of her true love and soul mate Alex. Alex returns to Boston with girlfriend Kari in tow and struggles with her own memories.

The opening scenes grab you and force you to fall in love with Charlee and Alex. Of course, there can be no one else. Be gone eight-month relationship Chris. Haul your unsuspecting ass outta here. Kari? We barely knew you but you’re smart enough to notice the emotional detachment and distance Alex has for you. Sorry you had to fly all this way. Once Alex locks eyes on Charlee it’s game over for anyone remotely connected to these two and what they still mean to each other.

I found myself overwhelmed to the point of numb by the three-quarter mark of this novel. The crying, the emotions on their sleeves, the crying, so much crying over their love lost. The reluctance on Alex’s part to renew what they had for fear of losing it once again, it was all so exhausting. And then K.L. Hughes pulls reality out of this swamp of emotions and memories of a love so pure nothing and no one could compete with it. She laughs at her own drama-llama offering. She uses Cam and Vinny to pull our lovestruck couple back to earth. Cam lets Charlee know that the world is carrying on and no, she is not the centre of the universe and yes, she has been ignoring the other people in her life. Vinny is much blunter with Alex when she tells her that “Dehydration is a bitch.” Enough with the crying already. I loved it and it pulled me back into the story.

I love an angst filled romance, I do. The Art of Us might have exceeded even my love for drama but it is written so well that I couldn’t look away. I had to know all the details of this couples long overdue HEA.

Wow, what a read.

ARC received from publisher with thanks for an honest review.