A review by bergamotandbooks
Nightingale House by Steve Frech



The Nightingale House is a new beginning for widower Daniel Price and his young daughter Caitlyn. After months of grief, this will be the place where they start their life as a family of two. And then Daniel uncovers the chilling story of the family who lived in the house years before, of betrayal, tragedy, and murder. Could the Nightingale House be not the home Daniel dreamed of for his daughter—but a place that will bring their worst nightmares to life?


NIGHTINGALE HOUSE was my first book by French and although I devoured it in nearly one sitting it left me wanting more. The premise of this book totally hooked me in (I'm on a bit of a haunted house kick if you haven't noticed!) and I was excited to see were French would take the story. Plus, I always love a good mix=media book and was excited to come across juicy journal entries littered throughout the novel.

As much as I enjoyed the plot of NIGHTINGALE HOUSE, I never felt fully invested in it. I struggled to empathize with Daniel and his daughter and therefore few of the plot twists missed their mark. Overall I found this to be an enjoyable but lacklustre read. That being said, this won't be my last read by French and I look forward to reading his debut novel in the future.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for my ARC! NIGHTINGALE HOUSE is out now.