A review by riniya
To Ashes and Dust by Luna Laurier


I was given a free copy as an ARC reader in exchange for an honest review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions on the continuation of the “Of Shadow and Moonlight” series.

Cassie struggles with inner turmoil over a decision she had to make and a friends betrayal. The decision that resulted in a life being taken. As she starts to uncover the truth, she’s left with more questions than answers, and a secret that is threatened to be revealed.

Forced to accept the reality that she can’t hide from Damien’s world anymore, she steps into the role as Queen and faces the ruling council. But she’s only human in a world full of gods, immortals and monsters that most people couldn’t even imagine.

Damien is trying to build his armies, to strengthen them to fight back against the growing darkness. He petitions the council for help only to have pushback and his mates capabilities called into question. Through all this, he is trying to find a way to save Cassie from her mortal lifespan, unbeknownst to him that her life is threatened by an internal battle that will take her far before her time.

Cassie and Damien are struggling to pick up the pieces as friends become foe, and foe turns to friends.

This book….

The author came in with both arms swinging with this one. She had no mercy and made sure you knew from the beginning that that tone in this book has changed. She starts off strong, throwing you back into the action and giving you a glimpse of the past that explains …. Well nothing … until later.

I could see Luna’s confidence in this book versus the first. She hit her stride as an author and it’s so clear in her character’s interactions, development and the way the story unfolds. There are tiny hints and nods throughout the story that later turn out to be teasers to bigger reveals. The twists and turns that the story takes, along with the way the author slaps you across the face with your feelings were truly inspired.

I really enjoyed the way that Cassie continued to explore her past lives and come into her own with her abilities. I enjoyed that there were redemption arcs for previous characters that made sense within the world and didn’t feel rushed or forced.

My only critique about the book is how much of it was “daily life” of the characters. You see a lot of simply hanging out, or more relaxed moments with the characters but there is plenty of action. In saying so, the author still managed to continue the plot even within those moments, I would just say to be aware that there isn’t as much action as it may seem.

Also, while the majority of this story did take place because of a mating bond between Damian and Cassie, the romance plot is still somewhat of a backseat plot to the book. Don’t get me wrong, there are some spicy scenes present, but the majority of the story is Cassie’s training and the war/politics that is occurring.

I do like the way the author brought back into the forefront Cassie’s medical condition. I did feel like at one point in book one it kinda got forgotten, but Luna explained why perfectly! I can now say proudly that it wasn’t an oversight, it was a nod to information that gets revealed in this book. Honestly, it attests to the authors ability to plan things out.

I absolutely loved this story and I am so grateful to be apart of the arc reader community for this sequel.