A review by tacanderson
Nexus by Ramez Naam


This is an amazing book. First the premiss is kind of mind blowing but the writing and story development are really solid. The characters are rich and not cliche. The author's own socio-political views are strong in this book but probably because of the strong Buddhist themes, it's not too preachy or polarizing.

I'm seeing a real trend in the cyberpunk, speculative fiction genre around nanotech and enhanced cognition. William Hertling's [b:The Last Firewall|18305964|The Last Firewall (A Singularity Novel)|William Hertling|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1376236926s/18305964.jpg|25798891]. These two books actually have a lot in common with each other.

Nexus really pushes the boundary on speculative fiction, especially when you consider the author's own past and technical background with tech and nanontech, the book might not seem so crazy after all.