A review by readwithrishika
Amil and the After by Veera Hiranandani


summary: this book is part of a duet, and is the sequel to "The Night Diary". You will have to read "The Night Diary" first for this book to make sense. It follows the same family, including Nisha, her brother Amil, their dad Suresh, and their grandmother. The book is a historical fiction set in 1947, during the partition of India. "The Night Diary" is all about what happens during the partition, and how this family has to react to keep themselves safe. This book is supposed to help give us a look into their lives after they move, and explores how we heal after trauma.

footnotes: firstly, the lovely @veerawrites let me read this as an arc, which i am ever so grateful for. Secondly, while "The Night Diary" is from the perspective of Nisha, "Amil and the After" is from the perspective of Amil. This book releases on January 23, 2024.

thoughts: honestly, my first thought was how pretty the cover was. i think it portrayed amil well and makes more sense as you continue to read the story. the characters feel so real and young. the writing seems so appealing to me, and i felt like i was in the book, not just reading it. i also loved how many new characters we got to meet. it made the plot so interesting to read. the growth each of the characters had throughout the book made me really proud, and was written so believable and raw. this book also doesn't ever fail to tie in the historical events of the time as well. all of the characters actions and events were in line with what really happened. my favorite part about this book was reading the inner monologue of amil, which i missed in "The Night Diary". i was so desperate to hear his inner voice and understand what he was thinking. reading his thoughts made me realize how young he still is, despite how old he might try to act. my only (minor) issue with this book was simply how fast is moved. the plot was so addictive yet it moved just a touch to fast for my liking.

overall, one of the best historical fiction books i've ever read.