A review by honnari_hannya
Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale


A little dated, but otherwise a wonderful YA novel in one of the most fully realized fantasy worlds I've read in a long time. Despite much of the book happening within an isolated tower, the setting is incredibly rich, the magical lore wonderfully fleshed out, and the relationships between characters—romantic, platonic, and antagonistic—incredibly well crafted. Hale's prose is terrific, and Dashti a great heroine for those who loves the truly good types of protagonists. There's so much going on in the language of this book that I think I'd have to read again just to get a handle on all the work Hale did to embed the richness of the history and life of her world into Dashti's POV. Though the end tied up a little too neatly for my tastes, this was a wonderful standalone.