A review by blue_squishie
Messy by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan


I was getting bogged down in reading A Discovery of Witches, so I came back to this book after putting it down for a while. Messy is a sequel to last year's Spoiled, both written by the women who write/run the Go Fug Yourself blog. I enjoyed Spoiled, and I'm glad Molly, the main protagonist from that book, still features a bit in Messy, but the main action is around her friend Max(ine). I like Molly better than Max, I think Max's passivity grated a bit on me. And maybe it's just the mood I'm in, but, to me, the way Max deals with things by basically shutting down foretells an adulthood filled with depression and loneliness.... Aaanyways, I did enjoy this as a follow up, Brooke comes off way more sympathetic. All in all, just the kind of frothy summer read I needed now.