A review by geo_ix
Born of Ice: The League: Nemesis Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon


3.5 stars. I enjoyed this, but not like I enjoyed the first two. I can’t say I ‘really liked it’ but I was close so that’s why I’ve rated it a 3.5.

I didn’t really like the amount of times she was down on herself. It made sense the first few times but then it kept happening and everyone’s actions weren’t changing her mind about herself at all, even to the point she still thinks it on the last page before the epilogue and I just wished there was more growth in her love for herself. I think it might have happened if this was as long as the last two, but it’s a good 200 pages shorter so while there’s a word already built by now I think it just needed a little bit more time for development. Or spent a little less time with all the sex scenes and more getting to know each other and working through their shit.

Also, the Paden thing, I still don’t know how I feel about that.