A review by awebster92
The Intern, Volume 1 by Brooke Cumberland


I grabbed this novella because I will be meeting Brooke Cumberland in about a week at the Hard Rock Author Event in Tulsa, OK. I'm pretty excited about this event, so I'm catching up on a few authors that I've never read. I picked The Intern randomly; I had never heard of the series before and at 99ยข it is a steal! I'm not the biggest erotic romance reader - I'm more of a sci-fi/steampunk gal myself, but I liked the book. I enjoyed it so much that I 'one clicked' Volume 2 the second I finished the book. I feel a lot of erotic books have a porn-ish plot, but I didn't feel like that was a problem in this novella. For being novella characters with quite a few steamy sex scenes (no offense, but it's hard to develop a personality while they're doing it haha) I found them to be well developed. I think some might feel offended that Ceci is still in high school, but she is 18 and legally an adult. If you think that factor and semi-rough sex is offensive, this isn't the book for you. As someone who generally doesn't enjoy erotic novellas, I was impressed with Volume 1, and I'm half way through Volume 2 - Review on that to come shortly. 4/5