A review by bibliophile90
The Graveyard Shift by Darynda Jones


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

There is absolutely no way for me to explain my love for the Charley Davidson series. I discovered this series back in 2012 and fell in love with the characters. Last year the author concluded the series with the 13th book, which was a very bittersweet moment for me. Spending seven years with a group of characters, you just can't help but feel a bond with them. They become more than just fictional characters, you start to care for them. So when I saw that Darynda Jones was writing a novella, I just couldn't contain my excitement. It was absolutely amazing catching up with all my favorite characters. I loved that this novella focused on Garrett and his relationship with the mother of his child, Marika. There is some strong tension between the two because she tricked him into getting her pregnant. He hasn't been able to trust her (which I can't blame him), but they will finally have to deal with their feelings when their lives are in danger.

I am usually not a big fan of novellas, but the author did an incredible job in telling a whole story. Would I have loved for it to be longer? Of course, I wouldn't want it to end. Fans of this series, you are in for some big surprises. I seriously can't wait for you to read this novella. My mind is blown, and I need Beep's spin-off to happen ASAP. I hope that readers who haven't heard of this series will get a taste and fall in love with the world Darynda has created. The Charley Davidson series is hilarious, sexy, action-packed and so emotional at times. It will have you laughing one moment and crying the next. This is one of my all time favorite series and I hope it will become one of yours as well. You may ask was it really a five star read. And my answer is YES, especially if you have read the series and feel a strong bond with the characters. But I still think it is a great introduction to the series for readers who are new to it.