A review by joyride
Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix

Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
The premise sounded amazing, I was so happy to start the audiobook. And then? It was horrible. Amy felt like such a flat character. Being poor and desperately trying to work to get ends meet? Fine. But that is her only personality trait. Her constant put-downs of coworkers and honestly fucking racist attitude towards her Korean coworker (saying she puts on a 'Japanese schoolgirl' act. Really GOOD joke there, Grady), generally being miserable and angry all the time, just very tiring. Everyone else felt so one note too. Her boss with the pinch of backstory to make him seem less like an ass (and why did he have to be Black lol we love the POC rep in this book hahaa), middle aged Southern woman, White Guy Ghost Hunter..I expected the writing to be somewhat rote and stiff at the beginning because it just needs to set it up and get to the ghost stuff, but wow the writing continued to be bare minimum and poor even past the introduction. Not going to be finishing this. Bye