A review by aligroen
Up in the Air 1: Johannesburg by George Loveland


A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 4 stars out of 5

I really enjoyed this story. James has been pouting over his ex and the truth about their relationship for awhile. Meeting Darren gives him the opportunity to actually put Richard behind him and see how a real relationship could work.

I loved James and how much he just wanted to be in love and loved like most do. And boy does he luck out, Darren seems like the sweetest guy and more than willing to work out their scheduling issues they may have. It was easy to connect with these characters even with the story being told through James’s eyes because Darren was very open with how he felt. I look forward to reading about Max’s story and more about Darren and James.

The cover art by Ethereal Ealain is great and gives a nice visual of the characters.