A review by donnaratcliff
The Square of Sevens by Laura Shepherd-Robinson


4.5⭐️ rounded up to 5⭐️

I loved Laura Shepherd-Robinson’s previous two books and this one has just made it 3 out of 3 because this one didn’t let me down!

I was captured by the story from the start and as Red’s story unfolded I was drawn in more and more. She’s a great character, not by any means a flawless one but I still found myself rooting for her even if I found some of her decisions questionable.
Within the story we explore how birthright, social status etc governed so much in the 18th century. We learn about the history of fortune telling and how it was perceived in society. All of this is wrapped up in an historical fiction story with many twists and turns along the way as Red’s story and her plans unfold.

I’m writing this review voluntarily and very willingly in exchange for the free copy of the eArc which I received very kindly from the publishers and NetGalley.