A review by secamimom
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover


Also posted on Fic-talk.com:

If someone were to ask me “Who’s your favorite author?” or “Who writes the books that you want to read over and over again?” my answer would be the same for both. Colleen Hoover. She has a way of pulling a reader in with the first sentence. You sit down, prepared to read a couple of chapters and before you know it, the kids are sleeping having put themselves to bed, your husband is beside you snoring on the couch and it’s 3 a.m. and you have to be up in 3 hours. I have yet to pick up a Colleen Hoover book and not fallen in love with it. And once again, with Ugly Love, she has knocked it out of the park.

When Tate moves in with her brother Corbin, she isn’t prepared for the hottie pilot neighbor, Miles. Equally, Miles isn’t prepared for the things that Tate makes him feel. Due to his ugly past, Miles is adamant that he will never love anyone ever again. Tate thinks that she is prepared for that, but soon discovers that she wants more with Miles…more than he is willing to offer.

I fell in love with Miles right from the start. You know immediately that he’s been through something hard in his life and even though you don’t know exactly what it was, you feel for him; you empathize with him. I have to say that my favorite character in the book besides Tate and Miles is Cap. Cap is the neutral party in the whole situation and helps Tate even though he never really gives her any advice; he just listens.

If you’ve never read a Colleen Hoover book, now is the time to start. But don’t blame me when you go on a Hoover binge and read all of her books over a 5 day period. As a matter of fact, I don’t think you’ll blame me. I think you’ll thank me.