A review by purplcrosswords
Boyracers by Alan Bissett


I left Scotland four days ago, and the referendum for independence will be held in less than a week. So I figured this would be as good a time to read this as it will ever be. If there is something I've learned in my total of a year and four months spent in Scotland is that there aren't many things as Scottish as discussing why a can of Irn-Bru doesn't fall to the back of the car when dropped in the front.

If you want to read the true Scotland, read this rather than Highlanders' erotica. Trust me. Reading this made me feel sad about having left, but also happy because, turns out, I carried a piece of Scotland with me.

Last note, I had the chance to meet the author and he signed the book for me:

So I guess all there is left to say is... good luck, Scotland!