A review by zigalayho
Results Not Typical by Catherine Ryan Howard


I don't really like to give books less than three stars, but I have to be totally honest if I'm going to review this book.
I really wanted to like this book. The premise was appealing, the summary sounded interesting, so I delved right in. However, once I was several chapters into the novel, I felt my interest beginning to wane. The characters were pretty shallow for the most part, and I didn't really care about the majority of them. Emmy was interesting, and her mother was a mess. The introduction of Danielle brought hope, but could have been taken much farther.
Don't get me wrong; major props to the author for having a good idea and getting it out there to audiences. For a first novel, I think it's a pretty decent offering. It wasn't as quick a read as I would have liked (not caring for the characters, their lives, or their world made it hard to want to pick it up at night), but I did finish it, and that speaks volumes for me. I would tell Catherine to keep writing and creating and giving her characters more depth. I would love to read her next book just to see how much she grows as a writer.