A review by christopherwilson13
The Wishing Pool and Other Stories by Tananarive Due


Quite good, very creepy, some of the endings felt very abrupt but still very positive experience.

Favorites were Haint in the Window, Last Stop on Route 9, Suppertime and both Nayima stories.

Possession came in many forms in Gracetown. On the swamp side of town, among the shotgun houses and shacks still standing after a hundred years, it was no more remarkable to hear reports of possession than a child’s bout of pneumonia. Swamp leeches sneaking inside children’s beds while they slept were the most common cause, or so Nana had taught, but by the time Jaz left Gracetown, she’d heard at least a dozen origins afflicting residents of all ages: snakebite, a wasp’s sting, tainted swamp water, hexes, unclean soil, heartbreak, even bad memories.