A review by thechanelmuse
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene


If you’ve ever heard of The 48 Laws of Power, how would you describe this book? Evil? A manipulator/narcissist’s bible? A book you should stay far away from simply after reading the table of contents?

What if I told you that we all take part in a few or more of these laws within our lives? Whether a royal, president, politician, celebrity, YouTuber, social media influencer, stan/follower, religious leader, CEO, entrepreneur, manager, supervisor, worker, doctor, judge, lawyer, athlete, gamer, magician, artist, motivational speaker, therapist, teacher, sorority/fraternity member, negotiator, soldier, cop, spy, genius, engineer, drug dealer, extremist, or “regular ol’ person”…We all partake in the offense/defense of someone else’s power or our own.

The 48 Laws of Power is a well-researched “handbook on the art of indirection” that’s filled with stories of strategies on how societies, groups and individuals throughout history to the present-day have navigated to obtain and/or maintain power (notoriety, money, and a legacy). Layer by layer, with each law, there’s interesting (and sometimes eyebrow-raising) anecdotes, quotes, bible verses, folktales and deep analysis to further break down their meanings, as well as the inverse of those laws.

This book is so detailed that it’ll take me a whole dissertation to fully summarize it in its entirety